Morgan Opera House, 
State Route 90 and Cherry Avenue, P.O. Box 327, Aurora, New York 13026, (315) 364-5437
2013 Season
Ticket Orders
About Morgan Opera House

Directions Located in Aurora, New York, on the east side of Cayuga Lake, Exterior View of Morgan Opera House / Aurora Free Library the Morgan Opera House is an easy and scenic drive from Rochester, Syracuse, Geneva, Ithaca and Auburn. The distinctive Tudor Revival building houses the Aurora Free Library and the Morgan Opera House and is situated on the southeast corner of Main Street (State Route 90) and Cherry Avenue, across the street from the United States Post Office. The Opera House is located on the second floor of the building.

Map to Morgan Opera House


Parking is available along Main Street, or in the public parking lot alongside the post office.

A new look is coming! The Morgan Opera House plans to launch a redesigned web site later this spring which will feature exciting events and performances planned for the summer and fall. Until then, to stay current on the latest developments, ‘like’ us on Facebook. Also, we have retired the full season brochure and will mail postcard announcements for up-coming performances and events. Anyone wishing to receive email reminders should send us a message at to join our growing list of loyal audience members, supporters and fans.

All of us at the Morgan Opera House hope that you will find many occasions to join us this season. We look forward to welcoming you in person.

Created: April 3, 2004. Last updated: April 14, 2013 by K. Wikoff. Designed by Karin Wikoff, with assistance from dan taylor.
Member of the Aurora Arts and Merchants Association Opera House photo copyright Mary Ellen Ormiston.
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