Saturday, April 17, 2008 at 7:00-9:00 PM
$15 in advance or at the door to benefit the Aurora Free Library
Saturday, April 25, 2009 at 8:00 PM
Adults $10, Seniors $8, Students/Children $6
Hear these talented musicians in the elegance of the opera house. This spirited trio plays and sings favorite
songs spanning seven decades, and performs appealing original tunes using exciting fingerstyle guitar work. All are songwriters and
studio musicians who play a variety of musical genres from folk to rock to country. Sponsored by NYSCA.
Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 2:00 PM
The Sullivan-Clinton Campaign
Charlie Snyder
Donations Welcome
In 1778 the Wyoming and Cherry Valley massacres prompted those opposed to British rule to urge
General George Washington to take action. The following year he sent Generals Sullivan and Clinton to drive the Iroquois out
of the area and destroy orchards and crops. Their march through central and western New York included parts of southern
Cayuga County, where many veterans settled.
Saturday, June 6, 2009 at 8:00 PM
The Zabriskie Folk Art Series
The Bottom Feeders

Adults $8, Seniors $6, Students/Children $4
Celebrating their own 20th anniversary with the 20th anniversary of the Opera House renovation
project, the Bottom Feeders return with an all-new theme show. This time they have been trolling the swales and wallows
of the underconscious for Dreams -- nightmares, reveries, daydreams ...... Mostly acoustic music with lots of singing.
Saturday, August 9, 2008 at Noon
Annual Teddy Bears' Picnic
featuring BubbleMania! with Doug Rougeux
Free Admission
Bring a picnic lunch and your favorite bear and join us for our annual Teddy Bears' Picnic.
Art, science and fun unite as you watch Doug create beautiful soap sculptures with soap, water, air and fog. Co-sponsored by the
Aurora Free Library and the Morgan Opera House.
Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 8:00 PM
Klezmer Kings
Benefit for the Opera House. Donations Welcome
Back by popular demand, the Klezmer Kings return to the Opera House for an evening
of rousing, roistering and relaxing music. Taken from the folk traditions of Eastern Europe, this talented local group's
music runs the gamut of the Klezmer repertoire. Dancing is encouraged; Clapping along is mandatory. Sponsored by
Mandel Therapy Group of King Ferry and Moravia.
Bouquets for Bruce
Donations Welcome
Bruce Bennett is an Aurora resident, a nationally known poet and a beloved professor at Wells
College. An "anthology" of his friends, colleagues and family will read back to him (and to us) some of their
favorite Bruce Bennet poems. X.J. Kennedy, himself a renowed writer and celebrated reader, will be the featured presenter.
Please come join the tribute.
Friday, October 2, 2009 at 8:00 PM
Adult $15, Seniors $12, Students/Children $8
Jay and Molly have been consistently popular performers at the Opera House since their
first visit. Back for their fifth, in addition to their good humor, delectable playing and lovely songs, they bring the next
two generations: Ruth Ungar Merenda and husband Mike add their own sweet textures and tunefulness, and grandbaby
Will lends an occasional voice from down front. A special Friday show.
Saturday, November 14, 11:00 AM
Free Admission
This Dickens classic is about a young orphan, Oliver, who overcomes great hardships in Victorian
London. It is a coming-of-age tale about survival and friendship. Oliver has humor and pathos that guarantee to
both educate and etnertain. Sponsored by the Mandel Therapy Group and NYSCA.
Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 8:00 PM
All tickets $5
Performed by delightfully versatile, highly talented singers, this popular show highlights some
past and current Broadway hits and features some classical opera favorites. Like a mimosa, their mix of pop and opera
will please all tastes. Sponsored by NYSCA.
Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM
Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 2:00 PM
Gloria Peter Theater Series
Trog and Clay
by Michael Vukadinovich
Gloria Ann Barnell Peter Playwright Competition Winner
Adult $10, Senior $8, Student/Children $5
The third annual GABP Playwright competition received exceptional response from a
broad geographical area which resulted in the judges naming co-winners and an honorable mention. Co-winners
are William Duncan for "Trust" and Michael Vukadinovich for "Trog and Clay." Honorable
mention was given to Steve Gold for "A Credit to His Race."
"Trog and Clay", which will be performed this year, is an imagined history of the electric chair,
Edison and Westinghouse's "war of currents" and two foolish dog catchers.
"Trust," which depicts the struggle between Ida Tarbell and J. D. Rockefeller, will be produced as part of
the Morgan Opera House's 2010 season.
Siouxsie Grady, assistant professor of theatre at Wells College, will direct both plays. For more information, see
the 27 April 2009 Press Release.