Morgan Opera House, 
State Route 90 and Cherry Avenue, P.O. Box 327, Aurora, New York 13026, (315) 364-5437
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About the Gloria Peter Theater Series at the Morgan Opera House

Gloria Peter Theater Series Press Release:
10 April 2011

Aurora, NY: The Morgan Opera House is pleased to announce the winners of the fourth Gloria Ann Barnell Peter Playwright Competition. The caliber of the submissions compelled the judges to again name co-winners and an honorable mention. Co-winners are Aoise Stratford for "The Unfortunates" and Garrett Heater for "Lizzie Borden Took an Axe". Each will receive a prize of $500. Arthur Kraft will receive an honorable mention for "Love and Politics".

Garrett Heater is an educator, actor, and musician who teaches music in the Oswego City School District, Oswego, NY. He has performed, directed, and done production work for numerous schools and theatre companies in central New York. Mr. Heater incorporated The Covey Theatre Company where he is artistic director and was winner in 2010, of the Syracuse Area Live Theatre (SALT) Award for Best Actor in a Play (Katurian in "The Pillowman"). He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in music from Syracuse University.

Aoise Stratford, a resident of Ithaca, NY, was born in England and reared in Australia. Her work has been produced in Canada, Austria, Italy, Australia, Belgium, England, and throughout the U.S. She is a member of the Dramatists' Guild and the recipient of several awards including the Hudson River Classics New Play Award, the Yukon Pacific Playwright Award, and the Alan Minieri Award. Coincidentally, Ms Stratford was the winner of the first Gloria Peter Competition for her play "Henry's Wives" that was performed at the Morgan Opera House in 2007 and was produced last year at a theatre festival in Saltzberg, Austria.

As a stipulation of the competition, the co-winning plays will be produced at the Morgan Opera House. "Lizzie Borden Took an Axe" is scheduled to be performed November 11 and 12, 2011 and will be directed by Siouxsie G. Easter, professor of theatre at Wells College. "The Unfortunates", a one-woman play, is an intimate ghost story about a prostitute in 1880's England and one of the world's most notorious criminals. It will be produced in 2012.

The friends and family of Ms Peter -a playwright, actress, and lover of history- established a fund to underwrite the GABP Playwright Competition to honor her memory and to encourage the writing and production of theatre art. The winners of previous prizes are Aoise Stratford, Gail Felker, Michael Vukadinovich, and William Duncan.

The Gloria Peter Theater Series was established in 2006.

A new look is coming! The Morgan Opera House plans to launch a redesigned web site later this spring which will feature exciting events and performances planned for the summer and fall. Until then, to stay current on the latest developments, ‘like’ us on Facebook. Also, we have retired the full season brochure and will mail postcard announcements for up-coming performances and events. Anyone wishing to receive email reminders should send us a message at to join our growing list of loyal audience members, supporters and fans.

All of us at the Morgan Opera House hope that you will find many occasions to join us this season. We look forward to welcoming you in person.

Created: April 10, 2011. Last updated: April 14, 2013 by K. Wikoff. Designed by Karin Wikoff, with assistance from dan taylor.
Member of the Aurora Arts and Merchants Association
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